
Losses, losers and more, gain of life's pleasures cohorts listen behind the doors
to a life meaningless less than 0 in me all my walls falling down pains aloft misery I'm sure that the lessons were learned
I'm sure that the punishments went well deserved by the pawn in the plan taste of shit bitterness walk from me everything
systematically Come on youweretheone youweretheone, To dredge up shit inside of me in my pointless life of
nothing Tell me what I'm supposed to be Tell me who I'm supposed to be Tell me what it takes to ascend Tell
me what it takes to live Patience, pleasures and rewards, come in due time stare at the sun I'm bored in a life
meaningless soaking up all of me like the cross you worship life is loss look at me I'm sure that some day we'll wake up I'm
sure that some day we'll wake from the dream Of success and focus...tunneling to the light glowing deep inside of me your
taunting I wake up Come on youweretheone youweretheone, To dredge up shit inside of me in my pointless life
of nothing Tell me what I'm supposed to be Tell me who I'm supposed to be Tell me what it takes to ascend Tell
me what it takes to live Tell me nOW! Tell me nOW! Pain misery distress dismal know where depressed idiot
failure In me......calling......loser......man I'm the Loser......loser.....loser......in me......who I am....in me....
Don't feel sorry don't feel sorry for me Don't need your sympathy or empathy, don't need your sympathy inside
of me, Don't need your sympathy or empathy, don't need your sympathy inside of me, Don't feel sorry don't feel sorry
for me Come on I know youweretheone youweretheone Numb to feelings inside of me why I've seized my vision
Don't need you to tell me who to be Don't need you to tell me what to be Don't need you to tell me how to ascend
Don't need you to tell me how to live

Cradle Breathe... Push... ...I lost you, you were my god thought what do I do now you were
never there for me never there to carry me, 26 years looking back that time is gone it was you I believed in look what
you've done to me realize what you've done to Me I can't see going on in this darkness I'm blind beneath
my cradle the bough has broke, I exorcise my loss your lie the punishment It takes time to try to mend the
wounds of all the suffering, What do I do now all I'm asking from you please send me a sign to guide me through the times
that lie in front of me I'll get by myself Look at me now, a piece of shit like you. Look at me now, you left
me so fuck you. Everybody leaves me, everybody's gone. Watch my father leave me, there's nobody left. Feels
like I've never been loved. Everybody leaves me, never gave a shit about me. Everybody's gone, I'll rot in my head
alone. I don't give a fuck about you, go the fuck away . Fake being, inside of my heart you are the liar.
Innocence displaced. Been left. Here I stand now and I'm alone, With no one to comfort me. One
set of footprints in the sand. No one to take my hand, I'll . I'll walk through as long as I need. I'll drift
through my life though I'm alone. Outgrown the cradle that once housed me And I've found that all I need is Me.
Found I've never needed you to push through All the shit that stacks up inside of my life. Endless plight
that circulates through my body. I'll keep stumbling, beating, pummeling Teething on the rind and renounce my being.
I can't see going on. I can't see I'm so tired, of trying to mend the wounds of all my suffering.
What do I do now? All I'm asking from you please, Send me a sign To guide me through the times that lie in
front of me. I'll get by myself I can't see going on fuck it.

Death Blooms Cold seems crippling lame meander through corridors aroma's thick with age mark off
the day reflections of my life are fading Pull me out of body don't want it don't want in, Feeble frail and
rotting descending I'm lost in, A structure that's collapsing don't want it cast into, Maker take the body don't want
it wants me Past has found its place salvation is no more will god accept my peace bleached will pardon me reflections
of my life are fading Pull me out of body don't want it don't want in, Feeble frail and rotting descending I'm lost
in, A structure that's collapsing don't want it cast into, Maker take the body don't want it wants me I
just want to run fly kites wrestle jump and play Swim through waves that crash to shore memories in me cocooned in
misery I'm sick and tired of embracing reflections of past time receive me or cast me away ...god please take
me away resistance futile suicidal ideas I will crucify my own being satisfy selfish needs fuck the deities justify my
own right to what's waiting for me On the other side the time has come lock and load I'm coming I'm coming I'm
coming I'm coming home Pull me out of body don't want it don't want in, Pull me out of body don't want it
don't want in, Pull me out of body don't want it don't want in, Feeble frail and rotting descending I'm lost in, A
structure that's collapsing descending don't want it, Maker take the body don't want it wants me, Pull me out of body
don't want it don't want in, Feeble frail and rotting descending I'm lost in, A structure that's collapsing descending
don't want it, Maker take the body don't want it wants me I just want to run fly kites wrestle jump and play
Swim through waves that crash to shore memories in me cocooned in misery The darkness overcomes soul soars to
the other plain Existence past the door I sail through purgatory's bay I asked a god for poison cradle me
sown to my dreams souls searching death blossoms where clouds lie over me held in god's hands death blooming Dark
for fear of failure an inner gloom as wide as an eye and fermenting roiling hate death grip in my veins unveiling rancid petals
flowering forth foul nectar the space between a blink and a tear ...death blooms.

I would love to beat the face, Of any mother fucker that's thinkin' they can change me,
White knuckles grip pushing through for the gold, If you're wantin' a piece of me I broke the mother fuckin' mold,
I'm drowning in your wake Shit rubbed in my face Teething on concrete Gums bleeding Dig bury me
underneath Everything that I am rearranging Dig bury me underneath Everything that I was slowly changing I
struggle in violated space, Sell out motherfuckers in the biz that try to fuck me, Hang from their T's rated P.G.
insight, I ain't sellin' my soul when there's nothing to buy I'm livid in my space Pissing in my face Fuck
you while you try To fuck me Dig bury me underneath Everything that I am rearranging Dig bury me underneath
Everything that I was you ain't fuckin' changing me Let me help you tie the rope around your neck, Let
me help to talk you the wrong way off the ledge, Let me help you hold the glock against your head Let me help you
tie the rope around your neck, Let me help to talk you the wrong way off the ledge, Let me help you hold the glock
up to your head, Let me help to chain the weights onto your legs Get on the plank fuck Dig bury me underneath
Everything that I am rearranging Dig bury me underneath Everything that I was slowly changing Wish you were
committing Suicide suckin' on a mother fuckin' tailpipe Dead man dangling from a tight rope Limbless in the middle
of a channel bob away

Everything And Nothing
We swallow the spit, Steal acceptance lend denial, Telling me that
my life is free and boundless, Then I'm forced to stay between the lines, They construct death to demolish life, Plant
the seeds to harvest loss, Found empty truth is full of lies, We're hoping for despair, Starvation's gluttony,
Subtle chaotic peace, War divided unity, Pro life, pro choice, Blinded insight, Left wing, right wing,
Black, white, Leaders following, I am everything I am nothing, Stop fuckin' with me, I'm the
accused I'm not the enemy You're so confused no way you could enlighten me, No freedom trapped in slavery, deceitful
honesty mother fuckin' human not a machine Lay your hands upon me, In search for answers inviting, Constant
struggle inside me, Guide me through this nothing that's everything I am everything I am nothing

Internal Primates Forever Cop provisions feed my addictions mistakes I made then I opened up
the holes and they crawled in, Now when it's time for the feed they won't let me forget, They ride upon my back and
they'll fuck me with their need, My invisible enemies all my monkeys Their coming they're coming their coming
they're coming to take me away. Disgusted with my position so submissive I am the only way we get away is give
in sharpen up the razors stab the needles into pipes to kill cravings so sick of this in me can't stand the want to need can't
get free always got a grip on me There's no use to fight this wrenching tourniquet of deprivation obedience subservience
leads to substance Do you want more give it to me Leave my motivation to chemical dependency no room
for patience Don't want it need it come on right now (chorus voice 2) Everything I've become now is everything
I didn't want to be Every time I try to run away I fall on my face they drag me back Every time I try to run
away I fall on my face Help! They won't leave me alone If I would have known back then what I know
now I 'd take it back If I would have known back then what I know now I 'd take it back, I'd take it back I'd take
it all fuckin' back Stay away stay away Hold me I'm shaking violently Pull me out of my covering Mold
me into a new man Lull me into a deep sleep There's no use to fight this wrenching tourniquet of deprivation
obedience subservience leads to substance Even if you want you can't stop Internal primates forever

(k)Now F(orever) Frozen moments in time, Stopped hourglass, They predicate, what you will
know, Dispositions lie within, And so do we, Don't want to run. Don't want to hide, Renounce the prayers
for inspiration, If you dictate what I will be Then smash my face upon the concrete I'm weary, I feel
the stares piercing, So sorry to soil your precious eyes, Reflections spoon-feed you, The bitterness and disgust
that is me, If you choose to reach out to lend to me, I'll chew off your hand I'm not beggin' for your
fuckin' change I'm not beggin' for your fuckin' change I'm in touch with myself, All alone within myself, All
one. Alone Do what you will make it the whole of your law, Burn down the faith that shadows life And take
a deeper look inside of what makes you Pull down the shades internal light can be blinding Brilliance I'm not
begging for your fuckin' change, I'm just begging for a fuckin' change, Complacence quenched of me Lineage
is ending I am that, once was me, rising upward, guts wrenching Sculpted cold, blistering, break the mold,
sever me Cut your throat, be the martyr, bitter pills, that we swallow, Take me, chase me, swallow
with me Know, now, know, now Inside of truth, coming to, close to me, ground consumes and embraces
me Now forever Born again, I'm repositioning, Self inside to self non-dimensional, Lost to being,
I've recognized the cause, Existence to come, alive now forever I am once was ...that is me I
am once was, That is me I'm broken altered vacillating force, Round square corners circles dance around
wet figures, Prisoner of time I'm no more, Insight will guide us through the majesty of nothing, It's like I'm
touched with love by angel girl, Let bastards rot in time for all their evil, Let bastards rot in time for all their
evil, Let bastards rot in time

Nothing To Gein
Cold and silent, soiled face I will wash it all away, With my love, That's
all she's ever needed, from me It's my time, to mother, One of my own in my life, I am so alone, left with no
one In my life, I'm so alone Life submissiveness, Hypnotizing the ignorant a little boy's best friend's
always his mother, At least that's what she said, Life of a simple man, Taught that everyone else is dirty, And
their love is meaningless, I'm just a soiled dirty boy, I'm just a soiled dirty boy, Sheltered life
innocence, Insulated memories, spark reflections of my head, Duality in my consciousness, Caught in the war of
hemispheres, Between the love lost in my head, Mommy do you still live inside of me, I'm so lost in my life without
any guiding, Protected me my whole life from everything, Nailed shut the doors to the shrine, To screen your dead
eyes from me and my sickness, Mutilate and sew my new clothes for masquerading, Aprons of flesh corpse scalped hair
with skin upon my face, Deliver the remains from her womb of earth, Prep the rack and tie up for new love's
rebirth, Covert understanding of novice surgery, I'll focus concentration and only take just what I need For sickness
I'm masticating, Dancing and masturbating, Celebrate in fields of night with skin upon my face If
I soak my hands in others blood am I sick, If I wash my hands in others blood am I sick, If I drench myself in others
blood am I sick, If I bathe myself in others blood Blame mother for the sickness, Mutilate and sew
my new clothes for masquerading, Aprons of flesh corpse scalped hair with skin upon my face, Dance and masturbate
in night light by myself.. Nothing is left for me to gain they're coming to take me far away, Chorus
Life of a simple man taught that everyone else is dirty and love is meaningless I'm so soiled Soiled

Pharmaecopia Does your god come in a capsule, To sedate you tear the walls down, Headless
prison cannibals chew, to consume you bring the alien, Halcium and morphine, 5-methoxy-n, n-dimethyltryptamine,
Psilocybin, mescaline, aspirin, histomine, Brushite, darvaset, valium, caffeine, cannabis, and LSD, Ayahuasca,
harmine give it all to me I want it These are just a few of my favorite things X 2 Trisolam and zanex,
serotonin, mdma, ibogaine, dopeamine, Tetra-hydro-chloride, atenolol, Amanita muscaria, Boric oxide, arrabinitol,
psilocin, and flamizine, Cylotec and harmaline Give it all to me I want it Does your god come in a capsule
to sedate you, Tear the walls down, headless prison, Cannibals chew to consume you, Bring the alien You
can't kill me, I'm already dead Inside my hole, Inside my head, We just beg for any way to be sedated, It's
all about escaping, Numb to me, Numb body from this hell, I can feel them pushing, I can feel them pulling
I can feel them holding, I can feel them moving, I can feel them prying, I can feel them prodding, I can feel
them breathing, I can feel them digging I can feel them stabbing, I can feel them scoping, I can feel them living,
I can feel it, Consume, take in, plunging, plumbing, Instruments prying, aliens inside me, Tooling the machine,
Intoxicating, Feel it unfolding, riddles in me It's all about escaping, we just beg for any way to get
away Who do you bow down to, does your god come in a capsule or on a plate They're trying to sedate you, swallow self
and bring on the alien You tried to kill me, I'm already dead to this world I'm already dead to this world

Prod Emotions inside us troubling, The hatred inside us escalating, The sickness inside
us keeps us weak, The masses inside of us suffering they are bleeding, The calling inside us sick with greed, The
voices calling to us deafening we're not listening Cannot receive the obvious Line up cattle and cut the necks
Swat at the flies omit disgust The leaders inside us posturing, The pollution inside of us suffocating
me, The science inside us menacing The will that's inside of us its dying end is coming Cannot receive
the obvious Line up cattle and cut the necks Drain us of life and cleanse the mess Wash me off inside,
wash me off inside We're killing ourselves killers Goddamn we fucked up the circumstance, Too late to
save us from ourselves, Callous minds against trust and confidence, Too late to give a damn now Too late to save
us from ourselves, too late to make it all go away, Too late to beg pardons from the mother, too late to give a damn Now
we'll sit and wait Wait wait for the coming. of the end Wait for the coming the killing the ending the plight
of man Deserving no mercy expelling by god's hand, It's okay the ending it's over no more pain . Emotion
the hatred the sickness the calling

Severed And we hide behind, Lies, anger, Hate they shoo love away, Build shells of ourselves
outside, It shelters body from cold reigns of reality, Come on, Step out, of your rind, assemble strength,
focus, Release and run to me you can never look back to the visions from the past they fade and wilt in time,
You've got to just trust me to hold your hand through, Then I turn and walk away, Eclipse you, And
bleed you strip you of your states of ain soph aur, Eclipse you, I spit up on my plate and I push everything away,
I need, And we sever all ties, It creates disruption midst circle of friends, I become the sacrifice, Spare
your life and leave me to my misery, Get off the cross, and save yourself, run away Run now get away
from me if I can get my grip I'll pull you down into the hell I call my head you'll never get away I sit down in my ugly
place and build walls out of fragments from my past of all the people that I needed and loved that walked away, You've
got to just trust me to hold your hand through then I'll turn and walk away I walk under the clouds of gray, Sphere
of storms in my head, I'm trapped again in endless rain I divorce the thoughts of you I love with me, I
divorce your innocence and my guilt, I divorce the lying sellout confidence, I'm divorcing every mother fuckin' thing
I divorce the love bled meaningless, I divorce the makeshift harmony, I divorce the taunting acts of violence,
I divorce the pastime of jealousy, I divorce control, I divorce the faith, I divorce the virtue, I divorce
the rain, I divorce the excuse, I divorce the greed, I divorce the need, I divorce iniquity in this mother
fuckin' bullshit life, Just want it all to go away, Just want to run away to die, take it, myself, my life Text
book fucking mental, off me and pitch me in a hole I'll always be your shadow, And veil your eyes from states
of ain soph aur, I can't be the hero anymore, I spit up on my plate and then I turn and walk away, I spit up on
my plate and I disrupt the family, I spit up on my plate and I sever the entity, And I feel your warm sun on my face
Separate . Eclipse you and bleed you strip you of your states of ain soph aur, I need you, It's always
been this way, I push it all away, From me

Under My Skin Nailed inside my head, Fuck this I don't need your shit, All the lies deceit
and arrogance, Talk your shit like my life is some kinda game, Like you fuckin' know me, Just go far away and
be small, Run far away and be small, Go lie in a hole and be small, Thorns, splinters, pushing, Under
my skin, They want in, Sharpened tongue to penetrate me, If you really think you got what it takes to
be me, Then walk a mile in the skin of my head case mental being, So you want a piece of this life that belongs to
me, Well make a cut on the line and take a deeper look inside of the freak, That is me, fucker, come on, Disturb,
search me, prying up all my scales To get in lance the core to penetrate me, So you want inside of me, So
you want a piece of this, So you want to tear me down, for your own selfish wants and needs Disturb, search
me, prying, up all my scales, To get in, lance the core to penetrate me, So you want inside of me So you
want a piece of me, So you want to drag me down, For your own selfish wants and needs You were there like
a punk, Just to get in my face, Wanted in me wanted to be Till I gave you a taste Don't need your goddamn
pressure Frontin' stress I'm superman motherfucker Without the "s" on my chest Trying to step in my circle I'm
leaving you purple and black On your back drop your ass like a heart attack Rippin' through your life like a motherfuckin'
Hurricane fist full of Novocain for the pain You're nothing in my life in my head You're nothing in my life in
my land Nailed inside my head You're under my fuckin' skin! I have cleansed my life now of the people
who pry And threaten place always in my face I think it's time for them to Go away always in my fuckin' space, Always
in my scene always in my sight, Always in my way You're dead to me punk ass fuck . There's nothing

